很多朋友也許以為這陣子我消失了, 其實, 一直在旅行, 在世界旅行, 也在腦海裡, 心裡旅行.
I've not been disappearing, I have been travelling. Travelling in the world, in my mind, in my spirit.
想把所有的東西寫下來, 可是力不從心, 時間有限. 同時, 旅行而來的心靈啟發, 思想刺激, 需要一些時間來消化, 內化為自己的一部分. 這也是我喜歡旅行的原因吧. 旅行, 讓我有活著, 存在的感覺.
The impulse to write everything down is strong and pounding, and yet energy and time is limited.
Meanwhile, the inspiration and stimulation from the search of my voyage in the world and the universe need time to be digested by me and be intergrated into a part of me.
This is why I love travelling. I feel alive and existing in the world...
幾度尋尋覓覓, 暮然回首, 燈火闌珊處的家, 在哪裡? 不想再流浪了......
Search all over the world, look back where I've been, is the sweet home here? No desire to roar anymore...
❤❤❤ 搬家公告 ❤❤❤
9 年前